email automation, mission suite

5 Easy Ideas for Email Automation Guaranteed to Lead to Sales

Email automation is still one of the most effective ways to bring in leads and make a sale. And, for you as a business leader, it’s one of the least time-consuming as well. Although many people have resorted completely to social media, email marketing is still widely used and extremely important. Because it’s very easy to automate emails, all you have to do is create a bundle of content that can be sent to subscribers on a whim. It might take some time to write up all those emails, however, once they are created, you can sit back and relax and the products and services sell themselves.

All you need to do is know which email automation ideas are guaranteed to lead to sales.

1) Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

Welcome emails are the first thing any new subscriber should expect after opting into your website or signing in through a form on a Facebook page. They are one of the easiest things to automate because it doesn’t take too much time to think about why you are welcoming this person to your company.

You can create different welcome emails based on where this person opted-in. And, you can include discounts or information that would be useful to the customer as a thank you for signing up. If you go about your welcome email the right way, you can make a sale from the get-go. After all, getting 50% off just for signing up is enough for someone to continue with that purchase.

2) Let Emails Drip

Many company leaders are now resorting to “drip” emails as a way to keep the email automation going. An email automation drip is when a subscriber signs up and they agree to get emails over a certain period of time. This will keep the person in the loop hopefully long enough for them to be interested in buying something.

To create an email drip, you need to do two things. One, you need to provide something meaningful for your subscriber. Something they are going to want to open up and read each time the email arrives in their inbox. Secondly, you need to find a way to leave them hanging at the end of each email. This way, they are eager for the next one to arrive. At the end of each drip email, put a call-to-action. If your email is enticing enough, they are going to want to enroll in the next step.

And, just like that, you’ve made a sale. Email drips are a great idea because once you write them up, you can automate them and have them sent out for weeks ahead of time to new subscribers. You can get ahead of your work, while also making sales in the meantime.

3) Use Email Automation to Bring FAQ to Their Inbox

One thing you can add to an email drip or even separate from an email drip, are FAQs. One of the biggest reasons a person may not engage further with your business is because they are simply unsure. Think about a product like 23andMe or an Ancestry DNA Kit. People have probably made it to the purchase screen many times. But, they’ve neglected to go further because they had many hesitations about their data.

As the company leader, you should have a pretty good sense of what those concerns are, and what’s holding people back from making the decision. Don’t wait for them to come to you. Bring the FAQ(s) to their inbox so they can finally buy your product. This tactic can be used and automated over and over again until you know that the customer can use that FAQ to justify their purchase.

4) Send a Valuable Piece of Advice

As a sales leader, you should be an expert in your field. And, if you’re not, take all that extra time you’re getting from automating your emails to do some reading. For one reason or another, a person has decided to subscribe to you because they think you can offer them something valuable, even if they are not yet ready to buy. And, you should. Companies should always be finding ways to give priceless value to their followers so that they eventually decide to convert.

Therefore, use email marketing to automate emails with valuable advice. Advice that only you as the leader can share with them, and they will appreciate. These could be your own tips, or, it could be content that you found useful and you’ve decided to share with them. For instance, a case study,  video, or news article.

5) There’s Always an Excuse to Email — What’s it This Time?

If you’re running out of ideas for your emails, remember that there’s always an excuse to email someone on your list. Of course, you should never just email someone for no reason. But, if you want to keep the email automation continuous, then find more reasons to create. It could be anything from a “Happy Birthday” email, to an announcement, to your company’s history, to another discount or refer-a-friend initiative. If you can’t think of anything specific to include in one of these emails, then simply create a template and save it for a later date.

Email automation is an excellent way to make sales while you sleep. It will take a bit of time and effort up front, but you will see results. And, with a reliable marketing automation software like the Mission Suite, you can always take a look at the reports for each email and see which idea is bringing in the most money. Schedule a demo today to learn more!

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